Palini Vernici is pleased to introduce SPECTROFIGHTER PRO-3 one of the most important and revolutionary achievement in the search and optimisation of colors through a spectrophotometer.
SPECTROFIGHTER PRO-3 becomes available thanks to the software update of October.

SPECTROFIGHTER PRO-3 can be easily identified through its new logo found in the color search screen
and it is compatible with all the PALINAL color reading tools.

The result of comprehensive scientific analyses carried out by an expert team of specialist, SPECTROFIGHTER PRO-3 includes:

  • A NEW DATABASE, created by our Colorimetry Lab through a major review of the physical archive of Palini colors carried out using the best color reading technology with a 12 angle instrument and LED system, thus ensuring performance and consistency over time.
  • REFINEMENT OF THE ALGORITHMfor the metalised|pastel color search, optimisation and correction: for the search, more than 100.000 Palini colors have been read again and all the features of the Palini bases have been updated thus finalising optimisation and correction. 
  • aNEW SYSTEM FOR the search, optimisation and real correction of WHITE COLORS: the spectrum sensitivity curve has been expanded in the visible range to provide a more accurate and high performance result in the selection and correction of white colors.
  • METAMERIC COLORS, improved system for the search, optimisation and correction through the optimisation of the metamerism algorithm and better alignment of the spectrum curves to facilitate color search and optimisation.

The synergistic effect of these interventions ensures an additional advancement in performance both for the search phase and the optimisation phase placing SPECTROFIGHTER PRO-3 at the top for its effectiveness and ease of use in helping bodyshop personnel to manage all color matters.

For more information, please contact our Colorimetry and Technical Support team.