(2004/42/IIB (d)(420)350)
Hydropal 120 is the series of products consisting of water-soluble bases with high pigment concentration and binding agents, that through a colorimetric system allows reproducing over 130,000 codes (matrices and variants) of pastel, metalised, pearlescent and xyrallic colours of all the cars of the world.
In addition to the accurate match with the original car colour, Hydropal 120 offers major application advantages. The highest covering yield guarantees unmatched yield on the market and the system configuration makes it possible to easily meet a variety of painting requirements. The 86 concentrated bases, combined with different binding agents according to separate and dedicated formulations, provide a highly technological answer to the needs of each operator, needs that may differ depending on the type of processing and plant .
In line with the most advanced trends in the body shop sector, Hydropal 120 currently offers two different application solutions and in the same system can coexist simultaneously:
2 coats + fade out with standard flash time between coats.
125 series Matt base with metalised and pearlescent colours ( TDS)
126 series Matt base with pastel colors (TDS)
129 series Direct Pastel Gloss Enamel (TDS)
Binding agents: 120.DS69, 120.DS34, and 120.2K09
Dedicated Palcolorfinder formulation recipe book
NEW 100E1732 dilution binder dosed directly into the formula for a better applicability and aesthetic effect of the dark colors series 125, Hydropal 120. The simple and effective solution against thermoplasticity, absorption and aesthetic reductions.
HIGH PERFORMANCE APPLICATION: single coat + fade out, no flash-off time between coats for true time saving and product consumption reduction.
The HighPerformance configuration allows obtaining the desired coverage faster in less time and using less product with an overall average saving of 30%.
125HP Series Matt base with metalised and pearlescent colours and continuous application (TDS)
126HP Series Matt base with pastel colours and continuous application (TDS)
Binding agent: 120.HP01, 120.DS69, 120.DS34
Dedicated Palcolorfinder formulation recipe book
Hydropal 120 is supported by reliable and constantly updated tools for searching and managing colors and it is integrated in a high performance and comprehensive range of complementary products.
100XHP10 Dark Additive, the high performance additive dedicated to the 125High Performance series. Its recent introduction, directly in the formula and limited to the formulation of dark colors, has allowed a significant improvement in terms of applicability and final result of the coating. For the user there is also the advantage linked to the lower quantity of product needed.
The development of the Hydropal system is based on a careful analysis of the work carried out at body shops with the goal of offering real improvements.
Hydrosoluble bases | 86 |
Binders | 4 |
Metallic-pearl-pastel color formulas | > 130.000 |
Premium-Conventional Application | ![]() |
High performance application - One coat | ![]() |
Color search with 5-angle spectrum color optimization system (automatic and real correction) | ![]() |
Chromacard | ![]() |
Direct colorimetric assistance | ![]() |
We were inspired by simplicity, minimal investment and the fight against waste:
The configuration of the Hydropal 120 bottles, in terms of size and shape, allows an easy and correct manual mixing of the product.
The special dosing caps guarantee extremely easy and accurate weighing.
The compact packages, designed specifically for body shop use, minimise the base purchase investment and reduce the issues of product aging and consequent risk of waste.
20x0,50 lt
30x0,10 lt
n. 9 Metallized bases
8x0,50 lt
1x0,10 lt
10x0,50 lt
11x0,10 lt
5x0,10 lt
1x0,10 lt
0,5 lt
For each Hydropal 120 product, the package consists of n. 6 units.
Serie 125 PREMIUM Matt base in metallic, pearlescent and xirallic colors
TDSSerie 126 PREMIUM Matt base in pastel colors
TDSSerire 129 PREMIUM Direct glossy enamel in pastel colors
TDSSerie 125HP HighPerformance Matt base in metallic, pearly and xirallic colors, continuous application
TDSSerie 126HP HighPerformanceMatt base in metallic, pearly and xirallic colors, continuous application
TDSRecipe book: over 840,000 colour formulations
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Spectrophotometer: the fastest and most reliable answer to the search for the perfect colour.
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We are here, even when others do not answer.
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Visual color reference system.
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An intelligent solution that combines minimum overall dimensions and maximum functionality for a true optimisation of work time and space. The user, thanks to the double drawer, has a second stock of bases and binding agents that can be immediately available and used. Thermobox is also a practical workbench.
High-precision portable bench scale for professional use.
Maximum capacity 7.1 Kg.
The new generation user interface with large touch-screen display and high contrast. The backlit display "white on black" improves visibility also from different angles and at a distance.
It can be connected to a computer via USB cable also acting as a power supply. A single cable for a simple and immediate installation.
The entire Hydropal System contained in a set of 2 boxes: 22 L to create over 130,000 colours.
Smartbox is the portable color system that collects in Qty. 2 87x27x25 cm boxes one vial of each base part of the Hydropal 120 system. This practical and compact solution allows our dealers and technicians to test at the body shop in a simple, orderly and comprehensive way all the advantages offered by Hydropal 120.
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Artt. 13 e 14 Regolamento UE sulla Privacy – GDPR n. 679 del 2016
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Palini Vernici S.r.l. | Palinal