Product description

Wet-on-wet epoxy filler with high chemical and anti-corrosive resistance features. 881.7777 has excellent adhesion on iron (possibly sandblasted), sanded aluminum and well degreased and sanded galvanized sheets metalised and it can be over painted with water-soluble or solvent based products, after 60 minutes at 20°C.


  • Wet-on-wet epoxy filler
  • High anti-corrosive and chemical resistance properties
  • Adhesion on iron, aluminum, galvanized sheets
  • In compliance with the use in car repair shops


60' 20°C

60' 20°C water|solvent

50 - 60 µ

12h - 24h 20°C
40'-60' 60°C according to the hardener


Catalysis (b)


  • 2*3.00 LT
  • 1*25.00 KN

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